Thursday, December 15, 2011

Would you date someone in an open relationship?

honestly. I just want to know. I met someone very very attractive who is into me but is also in an open relationship. She lives with this person, has sex with them, but is open. I don't know if that would make things really weird for me.|||I wouldn't. It's just a little too weird for me, but if you're feelin' it, enjoy.|||OK... from someone who has been in an open relationship %26amp; marriage for more than 30 years. Yes, I would, but not everyone is comfortable with open relationships. There are some "if's" though. Yes, I would only if I was able to communicate with the other partner directly when ever I chose [but make sure that you limit the amount of relationship detail - talk as if you were good friends]. Yes, I would if I understood the ground rules of their relationship. Yes, I would if after talking with her partner and I felt secure that I understood and accept their relationship and would do nothing to interfere with it. Yes, I would if I knew that jealousy was not an issue for me. Yes, I would knowing that she would accept the same open relationship for me if I choose too ( the ground rules are the same for the both of you - even if you never take advantage of them).

Otherwise, I wouldn't.

This sounds new to you. If you would like more specific guidance you can write me at the address in my Yahoo Answers profile. Otherwise I hope it works for you, no matter what you choose.|||It would certainly make things weird for me. I wouldn't go into an open relationship - if they love you then they're want a single relationship with you. If they don't love you, you don't want a relationship with them.|||i sure would, at least the honesty is already there. no worries, questions, r-nothing else.just make sure u stay protected every time ok.

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