Sunday, December 4, 2011

Where are the black women who date men outside their race and are you open to a positive black man?

There are a good deal of black women who only date men outside of black men but who claim that love is blind. However, they don't date black men-how does that make sense if they claim that love is color blind? How about being open to dating any good man? I want to hear from you.|||I'm open to dating black men, but I happened to find a white man first. I think that's the case for a lot of black women who date outside their race.

I think a lot of people feel that black women who date outside their race should still give black men priority. I disagree. Why should anyone feel obligated to give someone else priority based on skin color, or any characteristic for that matter?|||Well, I'm black but a lesbian, so I'm not interested in a positive black man, haha. But...seems like the reverse is true more often than not, i.e. black men who don't want to date black women and black women who are either only interested in black men or are interested in "any good man." Personally, I have found that black men's idea of a "good man" is pretty different from and more general than a black woman's idea of a "good man," though. And a lot of black women want to date black men, like I said, but they are kind of picky and that's the issue...not the fact that you're black.|||I agree. Thats kind of weird. I like all guys, but I get approached by more White men than anything (I'm in college around many White guys), and until now, I've been holding out because I didn't want to date them. Now, I'm sick of being like that, because I've passed up some really cute and really nice guys just for their race! Its not good to think about race so much I think, especially when it comes to finding someone who you'll love. I would never date a guy for his race, so I shouldn't not date a guy for his race, ya know? lol.

I've always wanted a Black husband and Black kids though, so it always bothered me that I could find a White guy, but not a Black one... even now, I still prefer to have Black children one day... I just wish more Black men were in college.... :/|||Uh you're asking your question in the wrong section. This is the lgbt section. Maybe if you ask your question on the singles and dating section you'll get a better answer.

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