Sunday, December 4, 2011

Do you think my local mountain will open on the specific date?

My local mountain,Mt.Wachusett in Princton,is supposed to be opening on Friday. It hasn't snowed at all besides a few minutes in October. It's not very cold,but Wachusett hasn't changed the date on when they will open. I hope they will open soon! Does anybody know when they will open?|||Wachusett Mountain will be opening officially on November 27! Im not sure how much snow they will actually have on the mountain but im still pretty siked because i live in New Hampshire and i sometimes like hittin up the mountain. Wachusett has a pretty good park for a small mountain and its just pretty cool!

..Heres the link to the calender of Wachuset Mountain�?/a>

Deff goo there opening weekend!|||check out the weather forecast, if you don't see several days of cold weather... usually 28 or under then probably not. It usually takes at least a good 2 - 3 days of snowmaking around the clock to open up

thanksgiving was supposed to be our opening day but the weather isnt going to allow for it. I'm guessing your mountain is going to wait until the last second to change their opening day status

If you dont want to wait until your mountain opens, Killington has been open on and off since november seventh. They don't have much open, but riding is riding

opening day is all weather and snowmaking dependent. The weather is unpredictable but it is looking like its going to get cold towards the later part of this coming week|||Thats one of the closer mountain to me and i ride there a bunch but if there is no snow you cant ride, but if they have a specific date they will probably open as long as they have runs open. If they do I will probably go.

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