Sunday, December 4, 2011

Where can I find a black woman who's open to date a white guy?

Lately I've been going to mixed bars and clubs so I can meet women of all races but my focus is black women. Help me out thanks!|||Anywhere, just take risk and see what happens, treat her like you would treat any other women don't try to "act black' or feel the need to prove yourself. If your yourself and is cute and has a good personality, she should like you. Im open to any race really.|||That's a good start. The guy I'm dating is German and we met while I was pumping gas. He just pulled up next to me and started speaking to me. From there we began hanging out.|||well I date white guys...too bad I'm taken.|||e harmony ?|||try dating sites. many black women are open to dating non-black men.|||I don't know where to meet black woman specifically, aside from black clubs, which I don't recommend because it'll probably be uncomfortable for both party's. But if you see one you like then just go up and talk to them. I know you hear them say they don't like white guys on sections like this, but from my personal experience if your man enough to approach them they'll give you the time of day.|||

Good site apparently for self haters.

We 99% of the time with our own men, you can always find a couple of self haters though|||No please don't

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