Sunday, December 4, 2011

What date does Pottermore open in October?

I'm dying to know, (since I didn't get into beta testing.... :( ) so does anyone know what excat date AND time (US time preferably) it will be open to the public? Thanks guys!!|||Beta tests are quite unpredictable, they usually don't announce the exact date until everything is running 100%. But if I had to guess probably quite late in October, I wouldn't count on it being in the first half. At the present moment there are 473,512 users out of the million who currently have their accounts. The servers are down quite frequently (especially glitchy today I've found) and duelling still isn't up and running. Hasn't been since the first week or so, they'll probably need to give it a few weeks once its up again to make sure it can handle the traffic before they open it to the public. Imo, could be as late as november.|||At one point it did say Oct 1st open registration, now it just says registration in Oct. The server can't even handle the less than 500,000 betas on now, and there is suppose to be a million by the end of September. If anything does open in October, I believe it will just be the registration and everyone will have to wait for their E-Owl, just like the betas are. They wont be able to just open it to millions of people at once.|||Every single person out of the million are accepted already, but the registration is unknown. Due to the number of problems and little bugs, it might be a while. It did say October 1 at one time, and I've heard October 31 at other times....I know it's frustrating, but be patient....because honestly, I can't wait either ;) #PottermoreLove|||Apperently the Beginning of october|||31st october

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