Sunday, December 4, 2011

How long can you keep milk that is not open after the expiration date?

i have some milk that is not open but the expiration date on the jug has passed how long can i keep it?|||a week if kept at 34-36 degrees the dates are there for the store to stop selling it|||maybe about one or two days. but i usually throw it out right on the expiration date so idk. but the maximum should be like 4-6 days|||The milk is good only until it starts spoiling. The best way to test it is to open it and smell it. If it smells soured at all, throw it out. If it doesn't smell soured, it should be safe to drink.|||open or closed about 1-2 days. your pushing it with 2|||I would chuck it out unless you use it for baking. You can use it for any recipe that may call for sour milk.,|||As long as it smells ok and taste ok it is ok, milk will let you know right off it's not good.|||The only way to tell is to taste test the milk. If it is fresh tasting then I would drink it and use it as soon as possible. If it is sour, you can use it in sour milk recipes like cake recipes, pancakes, marinade chicken pieces for fried chicken or pieces of steak for chicken fried steak. If I cannot use it promptly, I freeze it for future sour milk usage. Waste not, want not.|||Maybe a few more days; no longer. Grams|||They say you can keep milk up to one week after the expiration date. However, you just need to smell and look for any signs of spoilage. If you aren't sure, please don't risk it. It's not worth having the chance of getting sick over.|||A lot of the time milk will spoil by or a couple of days after the expiration date

whether you open its container or not.

It also depends upon the kind of exposure it's had to temperatures above 38 degrees.|||If is very cold up to 2 weeks, once opened use in 2 days.

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